Is 61:10 - 62:5                                            Wednesday Morning 4

I am full of gladness because of Yahweh; * my heart is joyful because of my God.

For he has put on me the cloth of salvation, * and covered me with the robe of innocence and truth.

I am like a bridegroom in his new attire, * like a bride adorned in her jewels.

    As the earth brings forth its plants * and a garden makes its crops spring up,

    so will Yahweh make justice and praise * spring up before all the nations.

       I will not be silent about Zion, * I will not be quiet about Jerusalem,

       until she shines with innocence like the dawn, * shines in freedom like a burning torch.

           Nations will see your innocence, * and all their kings your glory.

       You will be called by a new name, * which the mouth of the Yahweh will declare,

       Yahweh will hold you as a glorious crown; * your God will clasp as a royal headpiece.

    Men no longer will call you “Abandoned”, * or your land “Forsaken”.

    But you will be called “My Delight”, * and your land “The Bride”.

    For Yahweh delights in you, * and makes your land his bride.

Just like a young man marrying his wife, * so Yahweh who rebuilt you will marry you.

And as a bridegroom is happy with his bride, * so will your God be happy with you.



To Psalm 146


To Hebrew